More X-Files Wavs

On this page I have X-Files related wavs; cool stuff, funny stuff, weird stuff.

40ft_ass (David) "If you think you have a tiny ass, wait until it's inflated to forty feet."
army A wacky thing my friend Steph made; a mix of X-Files wavs and a Monty Python wav
bad (Gillian) "I was--I-I was a bad girl."
badge (David) "It's the FBI thing. All I have to do is show my badge and say, you know, 'Do what I want'."
davidlove (Gillian) "David, I love you."
foxalex (David (as Mulder?))"Bend down and grab your ankles, Krycek."
ilikefox a weird little song: "I like Fox Mulder, I like Fox Mulder."
leg (David) "You know, you might think that being shot in the leg is not a very big deal, but I'm not very tough."
licked (blooper with David and Mitch) Mitch: "That's Kazeo Sakurai."
David: "I didn't get his name, I was too busy getting my ass licked--I mean kicked. I mean kicked! He kicked my ass, he didn't lick it. Well, maybe he licked it a little."
pinch Mulder: "Pinch me."
Scully: "Dammit, Mulder, that is not my job."
possession I don't know who made this wav but I love it! Clip of Sarah McLachlan's "Possession" with X-Files clips added in. Very Mulder/Scully romantic.
psaint (David) "I'm the patron saint of women's secrets."
sftyhrness (David) "This big bulge in my pants is harness."
skinner1 Skinner: "I want an explanation."
Mulder: "I'm experiencing violent impulses."
Skinner: "What are you talking about?" (sound effects of gunfire, a man screaming, and a body hitting the ground)
speedo (David) "You know, I am in my 30s now, so I need two weeks before I'm gonna be in a speedo."
xfiles "Hi, this is Gillian Anderson, Agent Dana Scully on the Kevin and Bean(?) Christmas Album."
"And David Duchovny, Agent Fox Mulder from the X-Files. This holiday season, trust no one, not even Santa Claus."
Goes on from there, very long but funny wav.
xfsecret Cool X-Files music
xfsecret2 Mulder: "It's in the X-Files, I'm more certain than ever that the truth is in there."
Scully: "I've heard the truth, Mulder. Now what I want are the answers." More music.


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