Gundam Wing Wavs Page 1

My pride and joy right on these pages: a lot of relatively clear wavs that I made myself! Some of them have weird popping sounds in them, but they don't detract from the audibility of the wav. The only kind of order they're in is alphabetical by their titles, so if you're looking for something specific you'll have to look through them all, sorry.

If you want to put some of these on your own site, please e-mail me for permission. I'll most likely grant it, but I'd like to see where my stuff is going! Or better yet, link to my website instead!

Also, if there's something you really want that I don't have on these pages, and you know which episode it came from (episode number would be best; if you can describe what happens in it, that might work too), e-mail me and I can try to make it for you.

afraiddying Quatre: "You're afraid of dying, aren't you guys? In that case, you shouldn't be fighting at all!"
afterus Professor G: "The suit came after us! That's some weapon all right."
AllianceOz Zechs: "The Alliance and Oz. It's not as if the world will change if one replaces the other, so why should we even fight."
amazing Relena: "Heero, I must admit, you really are quite amazing."
Heero: "Look who's talking."
antisocial Duo: "Why did I even bother to rescue this guy in the first place? He's antisocial, thinks he's Evel Kinevel, and hardly speaks! (groans) You've got such a gloomy personality, why don't you give up and stop pretending to be human."
beautiful Quatre: "Beautiful. Do they know how beautiful Earth is?"
bitterend Zechs: "Just watch me, I'm gonna live right to the bitter end!"
brokenbone Duo: "He just goes and puts a broken bone back into, that just totally grosses me out thinking about it."
cantcry Trowa: "That's sad, a woman who can't cry."
combat Officer: "Enemies?"
Soldier: "It looks like it might be a gundam, sir."
Officer: "Get all the mobile suits ready for combat at once!"
connected Dorothy: "As requested, you are now connected to outer space and all private lines of the Foundation executives."
datemaker Duo: "Anyone who sees me has got a date with his maker."
dearlady This is so sweet it almost makes me cry.
Treize (to the comatose Lady Une): "My dear lady, I'm glad you made it back home. I can't tell you how good it is to be able to see you again. You never left my heart for a moment."
destroypeace Oz officer: "Destroy everyone who defiles peace!"
That sounds awfully ironic to me...
doctorj Doctor J: "Please feel free to call me Doctor J, young lady. Believe it or not, I am a scientist."
drjyoda This sounds like something Yoda would say.
Doctor J: "Foolish are those who start wars, but the blood shed during battle is never a waste."
DuoMaxwell Duo: "I'm Duo, Duo Maxwell. I might run and hide, but I never tell a lie. (small laugh) That's me in a nutshell."
Duoscream Duo agonizing over the destruction of Deathscythe: "No...NOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
earthafar Mr. Darlian: "Never forget how beautiful the earth looks from afar."
engines Soldier on Peacemillion: "Engines one and three damaged! Well, I guess now we don't have to turn 'em off! All right, how 'bout some excitemeeent!"
excitesemotion Lady Une: "Something about the battle excites people's emotions."
eyesgundam Trowa: "Those who have laid eyes on a gundam shall not live to tell about it. Those are the orders I was given."
foolishfight Zechs: "Unless we fight, no one will learn how foolish fighting really is. We must make all of mankind realize this."
Heero: "So why'd you take on the job?"
getstarted Zechs: "Let's get started."
gundamsure Soldier: "You mean that kid is a gundam pilot?"
Officer: "Pretty sure."
heartsmankind Dorothy: "That's right. You can't do away with wars, Quatre, by just taking weapons away from the people. You first have to change the hearts of all of mankind. If you don't do that, humanity will perish my father did."
hesmybrother Noin: "You mustn't do anything as deplorable as wishing for the death of your own brother!"
Relena: "Brother? He's my brother?"
ilovehim Relena: "You're fond of my brother, aren't you, Noin?"
Noin: "Yes, I do love him."
integrity Wufei: "I'll be true to my own sense of integrity."
invincible Tubarov: "(laughs like the crazy man he is) I am invincible! (laughs again)"
itsagundam Soldier: "What the heck? That's a mobile suit! (gasp) It's a gundam!"
justcant Nichol: "Colonel Une, please give us orders to attack now."
Lady Une: "(giggle) I just can't. Peace should prevail in outer space from now on."
justdolls Duo: "They're pretty good copies, but they're still just dolls to me."
killyou Everyone's favorite Heero line.
Heero: "I'll kill you."
kindness Quatre: "Is kindness necessary in a war?"
Heero: "No, it isn't. Not while you're fighting, at least. But kindness is something you'll probably need the rest of the time."
knowitall Noin: "You're such a coward, attacking the soldiers instead of the mobile suits! You call yourself a man?"
Wufei: "You sound like a real know-it-all."
laughing Heero: "(laughs after blowing up the Aries suits) One more to go."
liveugly Soldier(Nichol?): "Let him live if he's ugly? Really?"
Lady Une: "(laughs wickedly) Just kidding."
longer Heero: "I'm fighting through this longer than anyone...longer than anyone on Earth...longer than Relena of the Sanc Kingdom."
loser1 Treize: "Winners of a battle will eventually decline in power and become losers, and then those losers will cultivate a new leader."
Duke Dermail: "Treize, what are you trying to get at?"
Treize: "I'm telling you, I want to be a loser."
loser2 It sounds so funny all by itself!
Treize: "I'm telling you, I want to be a loser."
makessick Duo: "You're so intense it makes me sick."
meanddolls They're coming to take him away, ha ha...
Tubarov: "And it'll just be me and my mobile dolls celebrating victory!"
meaningless Relena: "Please stop this at once, this is totally meaningless!"
Zechs: "This is not meaningless!"
meremortal Duo: "Hey, you can't go anywhere with your machine in this shape. We're talking miracles here!"
Heero: "It'd take a miracle for you, but I can handle it."
Duo: "Well, excuse me for being a mere mortal."
MillZechs Relena: "In truth, I don't even know whether I am being held in the arms of Milliardo, the kind brother that I once knew, (Zechs sighs) or in the bloodstained hands of Zechs Merquise."
narration Opening narration from early episodes.
"With high expectations, human beings leave Earth to begin a new life in space colonies. However, the United Earth Sphere Alliance gains great military powers and soon seizes control of one colony after another in the name of justice and peace. The year is After Colony 195, Operation Meteor. In a move to counter the Alliance's tyranny, rebel citizens of certain colonies scheme to bring new arsenals to the earth, disguising them as shooting stars. However, the Alliance headquarters catches on to this operation."


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