Pilot Group Pictures

Serious and goofy pictures of the boys as a group.

the boys
Basic picture of the five boys
Heero and Quatre
Heero and Quatre back to back
rock band
Heero: Move the arm or lose it, Duo...
at the beach
Wearing white shirts at the beach
at the beach
Another picture of them at the beach.
having a campfire
Doing some male bonding?
standing in a circle
Standing in a circle
Wufei and Trowa cooking
I'm not sure I'd eat that...
in a colony
Standing in a colony
w/Zechs and Treize
Zechs and Treize, too
Heero and Duo
Heero and Duo bored with their food
Quatre, Trowa, Wufei
Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei
dressed formal at night
Ready for an evening of romance...hmm, who to pick...
If they lived in the old west...
sitting in the window
Sitting in the window
Duo and Heero in the snow
Duo and Heero in the snow
in pilot's uniforms
In their pilots uniforms. I have no idea what that "Type B" thing is.
with rifles
Future members of the NRA :)
Duo's cruisin' for a bruisin' (borrowed from L2 Colony)
working on a gundam
Working hard (or in Duo's case, hardly working)

I borrowed these collage drawings from another website (which, I think had borrowed them too...) Click to see the whole picture. There wasn't one of Wufei, unfortunately.
Duo collage
Heero collage
Quatre collage
Trowa collage


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