I made all of these, and they turned out niiiice. Download at will and enjoy!
afraiddark | Riddick: "You're not afraid of the dark, are you?" |
bait | Johns: "All right, enough of this shit. You do the girl and I'll keep the others off your back. (pause) That's not too big a job for you, is it?" Riddick: "I'm just wondering if we don't need a bigger piece of bait." Johns: "Like who?" |
believegod | Imam: "Because you do not believe in God does not mean God does not believe--" Riddick: "Think someone could spend half their life in a slam with a horsebit in their mouth and not believe? Think he could start out in some liquor store trashbin with an umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and not believe? Got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God, and I absolutely hate the fucker." Imam: "He is with us nonetheless." |
charmer | Paris: "Well, what's the point anyway? I mean, if the man's gone, he's gone. Why would he bother us?" Johns: "Maybe to take what you got, maybe to work your nerves...and maybe he'll just come back and skull-fuck you in your sleep." Shazza: "Sounds like a charmer." |
cmonboy | Johns: "(whistles) Missin' the party. Come on, boy." Jack: (gasps when Riddick yanks the tarp off) Riddick: "Missin' the party, come on." |
croon | One of the creatures making its spooky sound. |
cryosleep | Riddick: "They say most of your brain shuts down in cryosleep. All but the primitive side. The animal side. No wonder I'm still awake." |
dieforthem | Riddick: "You'd die for them?" Carolyn: "I would try for them." Riddick: "You didn't answer me." Carolyn: "Yes, I would, Riddick. I would. I would die for them." Riddick: "How interesting." |
dontcry | Riddick: "Don't you cry for Johns. Don't you dare." |
fnright | Riddick: "I know you don't prep your emergency ship unless there's a fucking emergency." Jack: "He's fucking right." Johns: "Watch your mouth." |
fnwith | Riddick: "Did not know who he was fucking with." |
gethurt | Johns: "Somebody's gonna get hurt one of these days, (sniffs) and it ain't gonna be me." |
ghostme | Riddick: "My recommendation? Do me. Don't take the chance that I'll get shiv-happy on your wannabe ass." Johns: "Okay." Riddick: "Ghost me, motherfucker, that's what I would do to you." |
goodnight | Riddick: "We can't leave...(screeches and bangs)...without saying goodnight." |
introductions | Paris: "Paris P. Ogilvie. Antiquities dealer, entrepreneur." Riddick: "Richard B. Riddick. Escaped convict, murderer." |
lookalike | Paris: "It's the winner of the look-alike contest." |
looksclear | Johns: "You said clear!" Riddick: "I said it looks clear." Johns: "Well, what does it look like now?" Riddick: "Looks clear." |
makesound | (creatures crooning) Jack: "Why do they do that? Make that sound?" |
notforme | Riddick: "Not for me...not for me." |
notforyou | Carolyn: "I said I'd die for them, not you. Let's move." |
pissglass | Riddick: "C'mon, Johns, you got the big gauge." Johns: "I'd rather piss glass." |
psychoffamily | Riddick: "I don't truly know what's gonna happen when the lights go out, Carolyn. But I do know, once the dying starts, this little psycho-fuck family of ours is going to rip itself apart." |
rejoinrace | Carolyn: "C'mon, Riddick, there's gotta be some part of you that wants to rejoin the human race." Riddick: "Truthfully, I wouldn't know how." |
Riddicksdead | Jack: "Lotta questions, whoever we run into. Could even be a merc ship. So what the hell do we tell them about you?" Riddick: "Tell them Riddick's dead. He died somewhere on that planet." |
runaway | Paris: "Yes, while you dig the graves, I'll hold the fort, old boy-(startles as Jack comes from behind with a blade)-Christ!" Jack: "He'd probably get you right here, right under the jaw, and you'd never even hear him coming, 'cause that's how good Riddick is." Paris: "Tell me something. Did you run away from your parents, or did they run away from you?" |
shinejob | Jack: "Where the hell can I get eyes like that?" Riddick: "You gotta kill a few people." Jack: "Okay, I can do it." Riddick: "Then you gotta get sent to a slam where they tell you you'll never see daylight again. You dig up a doctor and you pay him twenty menthol Kools to do a surgical shine job on your eyeballs." Jack: "So you can see who's sneaking up on you in the dark?" Riddick: "Exactly." |
showeyes | Carolyn: "Show me your eyes, Riddick." Riddick: "You'd have to come a lot closer for that." |
soscared | Riddick: "All you people are so scared of me. Most days I'd take that as a compliment. But it ain't me you gotta worry about now." |
suggestion | Paris: "People? Just a suggestion...perhaps you should FLEEEE!" |
survival | Riddick: "Strong survival instinct. I admire that in a woman." |
unrestrained | Riddick: "I've been meaning to catch up with you alone...unrestrained." |
whispers | Riddick: "You mean the whispers?" Carolyn: "What whispers?" Riddick: "The ones telling me to go for the sweet spot, just to the left of the spine. Fourth lumbar down. The abdominal aorta. It's a metallic taste, human blood. Copperish. But if you cut it with peppermint Schnapps that goes away--" Carolyn: "Trying to shock me with the truth now?" |
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