Gundam Wing Actors

All of the main characters were voiced by the same people for the series and Endless Waltz. I also listed characters the actors did voices for in other series shown on Cartoon Network.

If you have any more information about any of the actors, feel free to e-mail me.

Main/Known Characters:

Lisa Ann Beley -- Relena, Mrs. Darlian, background voices
DragonballZ: Dead Zone -- Chi-chi

Don Brown -- Narrator (?)
DragonballZ -- various
DragonballZ: Dead Zone -- unknown

Jim Byrnes -- Duke Dermail, Dekim Barton (Endless Waltz)

Ted Cole -- Wufei, background voices
DragonballZ -- Yamcha

Ian Corlett -- Quinze Barton, background voices
DragonballZ -- Goku, Master Roshi, Kuwi

Michael Dobson -- Lt. Otto, various
Endless Waltz -- various
DragonballZ -- Kami, Nail

Paul Dobson -- Nichol, Marshall Noventa
Endless Waltz -- various
DragonballZ -- Zarbon
DragonballZ: Dead Zone -- Kami
Ronin Warriors -- Anubis, Dara, Lord Sabre-Strike, Sand-strikers

Brian Drummond -- Zechs/Milliardo, Professor G, various
DragonballZ -- Vegeta, Yajirobi

Saffron Henderson -- Noin
DragonballZ -- Gohan
DragonballZ: Dead Zone -- Gohan

Mark Hildreth -- Heero
DragonballZ -- various

David Kaye -- Treize, Circus Manager, various
Endless Waltz -- various
DragonballZ -- Rekoome
Ronin Warriors -- Narrator, Sun Devil

Campbell Lane -- Narrator (?)

Scott McNeil -- Duo, Rashid, Col. Seideiche
DragonballZ -- Piccolo, Jeice
DragonballZ: Dead Zone -- Piccolo

Kirby Morrow -- Trowa

Richard Newman -- Tubarov
DragonballZ -- Captain Ginyu
Ronin Warriors -- The Ancient, Dr. Koji, Kale, Saranbou

Enuka Okuma -- Lady Une

Ward Perry -- Howard, various
Endless Waltz -- various
DragonballZ -- Dodoria
DragonballZ: Dead Zone -- Nikki
Ronin Warriors: Badamon, Rowen, Sekhmet

Chantal Strand -- Mariemaia (Endless Waltz)

Brad Swaile -- Quatre, various

Dave Ward -- Master Long, Dr. J
DragonballZ -- King Kai, Goldo
DragonballZ: Dead Zone -- Garlic Jr., Genger

Cathy Weseluck -- Dorothy
DragonballZ: Chou-Tsu


Others, character unknown:

Tony Alacantar
Jessie Cody
Samantha Ferris
Monica Gemmer
Marcy Goldberg
Leslie Hopps
Dale Kelley -- Colony Representative (which one??)
Kim Kondrashoff
Brent Miller (also in Endless Waltz)
Mark Oliver
Ty Olsson
Michael Sicoly


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