Mulder Pictures

Pictures of David Duchovny and David as Mulder...including the infamous Speedo shot!

David on Movieline
David on the cover of Movieline
Inside picture of Movieline (I think)
red shirt
David in a red shirt
Mulder with hand on hip
I am...All-American Man!
looking in boxcar
Looking in the boxcar
playing with pencils
So this is what Mulder does in the office all day...
in a speedo
Everybody's favorite Mulder picture


Scully Pictures

Pictures of Gillian Anderson and Gillian as Scully. I only have four pictures, sorry. There are more of her in the miscellaneous section.

black dress
Gillian in a black dress
red dress
In a red dress
Mulder shot
Making sure she didn't accidentally kill Mulder
Looking bored in someone's office


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