Mulder and Scully Wavs

Sixty-two wavs full of Mulder and Scully goodness! Enjoy!

5billion Mulder: "Scully, you have to believe me. Nobody else on this whole damn planet does or ever will. You're my one in...five billion."
75blood Scully: "Seventy-five percent blood loss. That's over four liters of blood."
Mulder: "You could say the man was running on empty."
abroller Scully: "Meanwhile I've quit the FBI and become a spokesperson for the Abroller."
bach Senator Matheson: "Do you like Bach, Mulder?"
Mulder: "I live for Bach."
behave Mulder: "Did you really think you could call up the devil and ask him to behave?"
beliefs Mulder: "I have my beliefs."
Militia dude: "You willing to die for them?"
Mulder: "I'd prefer it didn't come to that."
biteme Esther: "You know where Donald is?"
Scully: "Why don't you let us ask the questions?"
Esther: "Why don't you bite me?"
blastcrap Mulder: "Maybe the game provides a-an outlet for certain impulses...that it--that it fills a void in our genetic makeup that the more civilizing effects of society fail to provide for."
Scully: "Well that must be why men feel the great need to blast the crap out of stuff."
blsoab Mulder: "Listen to me, you black-lunged son of a bitch, I'm going to expose you and your project, your time is over."
boyish Mulder: "Hey Scully, is this demonstration of boyish agility turning you on at all?"
break-in Scully: "Mulder, you’re not thinking about trespassing on government property again, are you? I know you’ve done it in the past, but I don’t think that this case warrants--"
Mulder: "It’s too late, I’m already inside."
bringiton Computerized voice: "5...4...3...2...1...Engage."
Mulder: "Bring it on."
call_cab Mulder: "I don't need a car, you can just call me a cab, that'd be fine."
crap Mulder: "Crap."
crazymu Mulder: "Tell me I'm crazy."
Scully: "Mulder, you're crazy."
crmchees Scully: "You know, I haven't eaten since six o' clock this morning and all that was was a half of a cream cheese bagel and it wasn't even real cream cheese, it was light cream cheese!"
d2dsales Kid: "You're not FBI agents."
Mulder: "How do you know?"
Kid: "Cause ya'll look like door-to-door salesmen."
dana Mulder: "Dana? He never even knew your first name."
Scully: "You gonna interrupt me or what?"
Mulder: "No, go ahead...Dana."
deathabove Esther: "David went looking for it."
Mulder: "Did he find it?"
Esther: "There's no way to know."
Scully: "Why don't you just call him?" (gets scornful looks from Esther, Mulder, and the Lone Gunmen) "Oh, right. Death from above."
devil1 Mulder: "Even the devil can quote scripture to fit his needs."
didnothn Mulder: "Don't say I never did nothin' for ye."
drawbath Mulder: "You never draw my bath."
fbi_fbi Eddie Van Blunht as Mulder: "FBI...F...B...I."
feet Mulder: "Will you let me drive?"
Scully: "I'm driv--why do you always have to drive? Because you're the guy? Because you're the big macho man?"
Mulder: "No, I was just never sure your little feet could reach the pedals."
foxdana Mulder: "I'm Agent Fox Mulder, this is Agent Dana Scully. We're with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, do you mind if we come in?"
getout Scully: "Let's get out of here, Mulder, as fast as we can."
gun (gunshot, glass shattering) Mulder: "I got tired of losing my gun."
had_you Scully: "I had you."
Mulder: "No you didn't."
Scully: "Oh yeah, I had you big time."
Mulder: "You had nothing."
halfdead Skinner: "Where are you going?"
Mulder: "Not to see you."
Skinner: "You're moving pretty good for a dead man."
Mulder: "I'm only half dead."
Skinner: "You've got a lot to answer for, Agent Mulder!"
hell Mulder: "How the hell should I know?"
hidefeelings Scully: "Well, I think you know what I think that woman is."
Mulder: "No, actually, you hide your feelings very well."
humiliated Scully: "You okay?"
Mulder: "Ask me if I'm humiliated."
jello Mulder: "He didn't even touch his jello."
knew Scully: "I just knew."
logic Mulder: "Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?"
Scully: "Logically, I would have to say no."
male Scully: "It's a male."
Mulder: "Barely."
mfbi Mulder (duh): "Mulder, FBI."
mini Mulder: "You didn't come to raid my mini-bar, did you?"
moron Mulder: "You have to admit, though, Scully, this is a pretty amazing piece of technology."
Scully: "Yeah, wasted on a stupid game."
Mulder: "Stupid?"
Scully: "Dressing up like high-tech warriors to play a futuristic version of cowboys and indians? What kind of moron gets his ya-yas out like that?"
mse_squ Mulder: "So you're refusing an assignment based on the adventures of Moose and Squirrel."
mustseen Mulder: "Five years together, Scully. You must have seen this coming."
notavamp Scully: Well, it's obviously not a vampire."
Mulder: "Well, why not?"
Scully: "Because they don't exist?"
Mulder: "Well...that' opinion, and I respect that."
pocket Scully: "Mulder?"
Mulder: "Yeah?"
Scully: "What's in your pocket?"
pointcme Scully: "If there's a point, Mulder, please feel free to come to it."
potato Mulder: "One girl was just abducted."
Scully: "Kidnapped."
Mulder: "Po-tay-to, po-tah-to..."
rootbeer Mulder: "You could be in trouble just sitting in this car. You know I’d hate to see you carry an official reprimand in your career file because of me."
Scully: "Fox--"
Mulder: (laugh) "I--I even made my parents call me Mulder. Mulder."
Scully: "Mulder, I wouldn’t put myself on the line for anybody but you."
Mulder: "If there’s an iced tea in that bag, it could be love."
Scully: "Must be fate, Mulder. Root beer. (Mulder sighs) You’re delirious. Go home and get some sleep."
sandwich Mulder: "Woman, get back in here and make me a sandwich."
sfnwhat Mulder: "Sure, fine, whatever."
smellbad Mulder: "You know, I never thought I'd say this to you, Scully, but you smell bad."
spooky Mulder: "I'm an annoyance to my superiors and a joke to my peers, they call me Spooky, Spooky Mulder."
spooky2 Mulder: "Do you think I'm spooky?"
stupid Mulder: "Stupid ass haircut!"
swampgas Scully: "Those lights the driver saw may have been swamp gas."
Mulder: "Swamp gas?"
Scully: "It's a natural phenomenon in which phosphane and methane rising from decaying organic matter ignite, creating globes of blue flame."
Mulder: "Happens to me when I eat Dodger Dogs."
talkdoll Mulder: "You didn't find a talking doll, did you, Scully?"
talkpray Mulder: "They say when you talk to God, it's prayer, but when God talks to you, it's schizophrenia."
testicles Dr. Blockhead: " can train your testicles to draw up into your abdomen?"
Mulder: "Oh, I'm doing that as we speak."
tongue Esther: "Are you going to take off these cuffs, or do I have to do this with my tongue?"
Mulder (moving past the awestruck Lone Gunmen): "You don't want to take a vote."
turn_on Engineer: "What the hell is that?"
Mulder: "Looks like the fuselage of a plane."
Scully: "It's a North American P-51 Mustang."
Engineer: "Yeah, it sure is."
Mulder: "I just got very turned on."
unwanted (knocking) Mulder: "Sorry, nobody down here but the FBI's most unwanted."
wasdrugd Mulder: "I was drugged!"
whammy Mulder: "Modell psyched the guy out, he put the whammy on him."
Scully: "Please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammy."
yayas Phoebe: "What is he doing?"
Lone Gunmen (in background): "Don't go out there! Get back here!"
Scully: "He's getting his ya-yas out."


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